Die Gestaltung von Lehrkräftefortbildungen reagiert auf die strukturellen Besonderheiten des Lehrberufs und die damit verbundenen, zielgruppenspezifischen Bedürfnisse. Das Finden und Weiterentwickeln geeigneter Formate für diese Fortbildungen stellt ein besonders relevantes Untersuchungsfeld dar, da es eine große Berufsgruppe erreicht, während eine zeitgemäße Weiterentwicklung nötig ist. Insbesondere digitale Lernformate, wie das Blended Learning, bieten hier gegenüber reinen Präsenzveranstaltungen neue und flexiblere Möglichkeiten zur Ausrichtung an den Bedürfnissen der Lehrkräfte. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht daher Merkmale von digital gestützten Fortbildungen, die zu einer höheren Akzeptanz durch die Teilnehmenden führen. Es wird dazu einer übergeordneten Forschungsfrage nachgegangen: Welche Merkmale begünstigen die Akzeptanz von Fortbildungen im Blended- Learning-Format aus der Perspektive von Lehrkräften?
The development of an appropriate design for teacher professional development is a particularly relevant topic. Reasons for this include the structural characteristics of the teaching profession and the associated target group-specific needs. In particular digital learning designs such as blended learning offer additional and more flexible possibilities to meet the needs of teachers rather than purely face-to-face events. Therefore, this study investigates characteristics of digitally supported courses that might further their acceptance by the participants. In line with this, the central research question of this dissertation is: What are the characteristics that might support the acceptance of teacher professional development in a blended learning design from the perspective of in-service teachers? To answer this question, a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted to examine the blended learning designs of professional teacher trainings. In a first step, the subjective perspectives of the 27 teachers interviewed were analyzed and the characteristics that support the acceptance of teacher professional development in a blended learning format were derived. In a second step, the findings were used for the development and implementation of further training courses.
Mit Hilfe der Genom-Editierung rücken Eingriffe in die menschliche Keimbahn in greifbare Nähe. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist die Erhebung der Entwicklung der ethischen Bewertungskompetenz von Jugendlichen zum Kontext der Genom-Editierung. Insgesamt sind 32 Jugendliche befragt und unterrichtet worden. Die unterrichtlichen Interventionen umfassten das Fachwissen zur Genom-Editierung eine Förderung der ethischen Bewertungskompetenz. Zusammengefasst sehen die Jugendlichen dieser Studie die Veränderung der DNA des Ungeborenen als größtes Problem der keimbahnverändernden Genom-Editierung an. Trotz des Risikos der unvorhersehbaren Nebenwirkungen der Genom-Editierung sehen viele Jugendlichen die Chance eines gesunden, leidfreien Lebens. Über die Hälfte der Jugendlichen entscheidet sich gegen den Einsatz einer Genom-Editierung. Der Kontext der Genom-Editierung ermöglicht eine ethische Diskussion und kann im Biologieunterricht zur Förderung der Bewertungskompetenz eingesetzt werden.
With the help of genome editing, interventions in the human germline are coming within reach. The results of the study will be used to create guidelines for biology education on the integration of genome editing in lessons. A total of 32 adolescents participated in the survey. Adolescents receive interventions before completing the questionnaire a second time. The interventions contain factual knowledge and moral judgement on the context of genome editing. In summary, the students in this study consider the alteration of the DNA of the unborn as the biggest problem of germline genome editing. Despite the risk of the unpredictable side effects of genome editing, many students see the opportunity for a healthy, suffering-free life. More than half of the students decide against the use of germline genome editing. The context of genome editing enables a multi-layered ethical discussion and can be used in biology classes to promote ethical decision-making competence.
Developing secondary students' writing skills : affective and otivational effects of a feedback intervention with learners of English as a foreign language
von Vera Busse ; Ulrike-Marie Krause ; J. Parr ; P.B. Schubert
Published online: September 18, 2018 ; Gesehen am 23.04.2020
A growing body of studies has emphasized the need to consider method effects due to positively and negatively worded items for a better understanding of the factorial structure of psychological constructs. In particular, several researchers identified such method factors besides the content factor for various scales measuring Need for Cognition (NFC). However, regarding the factorial validity of the 16-item NFC scale developed by Bless, Wänke, Bohner, Fellhauer, and Schwartz (1994), only a one-factor structure without the inclusion of possible method factors has been examined so far. Therefore, we considered such method factors in a broader reexamination of the factorial validity of this measure by investigating a range of structural models in two samples (n = 830, n = 500). We found that a one-factor solution as proposed by Bertrams and Dickhäuser (2010) and Bless et al. (1994) did not fit the data, whereas the inclusion of method factors improved the model fit significantly. According to our results, the model including both the content factor and two uncorrelated method factors yielded the best model fit. In sum, our results provide an extended view of the factorial validity of the 16-item scale of NFC.
European journal of psychological assessment Kirkland, Wash. : Hogrefe & Huber, 1995 36(2020), 1, Seite 212-215 Online-Ressource