Proceedings of ePIC 2013, the 11th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London, 8 -10 July 2013 ADPIOS, Poitiers, France : ADPIOS, 2013 (2013), Seite 18-24 Online-Ressource
Proceedings of ePIC 2013, the 11th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London, 8 -10 July 2013 ADPIOS, Poitiers, France : ADPIOS, 2013 (2013), Seite 25-30 Online-Ressource
Proceedings of ePIC 2012, the 10th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London, 9-10-11 July 2012 Poitiers, France : ADPIOS, 2012 (2012), Seite 238-244 Online-Ressource