von Julie George ; Lukas Maas ; Nima Abedpour ; Maria Cartolano ; Laura Kaiser ; Rieke Nila Fischer ; Andreas H. Scheel ; Jan-Philipp Weber ; Martin Hellmich ; Graziella Bosco ; Caroline Volz ; Christian Müller ; Ilona Dahmen ; Felix John ; Cleidson Padua Alves ; Lisa Werr ; Jens Peter Panse ; Martin Kirschner ; Walburga Engel-Riedel ; Jessica Jürgens ; Erich Stoelben ; Michael Brockmann ; Stefan Grau ; Martin Sebastian ; Jan Alexander Stratmann ; Jens Kern ; Horst-Dieter Hummel ; Balazs Hegedus ; Martin Schuler ; Till Plönes ; Clemens Aigner ; Thomas Elter ; Karin Toepelt ; Yon-Dschun Ko ; Sylke Kurz ; Christian Grohé ; Monika Serke ; Katja Anne Höpker ; Lars Gerd Hagmeyer ; Fabian Doerr ; Khosro Hekmath ; Judith Strapatsas ; Karl-Otto Kambartel ; Geothy Chakupurakal ; Annette Hülsmeyer ; Franz-Georg Bauernfeind ; Frank Griesinger ; Anne Lüers ; Wiebke Dirks ; Rainer Gerhard Wiewrodt ; Andrea Luecke ; Ernst Michael Rodermann ; Andreas Diel ; Volker Hagen ; Kai Severin ; Roland Ullrich ; Christian Reinhardt ; Alexander Quaas ; Magdalena Bogus ; Cornelius Courts ; Peter Nürnberg ; Kerstin Becker ; Viktor Achter ; Reinhard Büttner ; Jürgen Wolf ; Martin Peifer ; Roman Thomas
von Jörg Albrecht ; Marcell K. Peters ; Joscha N. Becker ; Christina Behler ; Alice Claßen ; Andreas Ensslin ; Stefan W. Ferger ; Friederike Gebert ; Friederike Gerschlauer ; Maria Helbig-Bonitz ; William Joseph Kindeketa ; Anna Kühnel ; Antonia Veronika Mayr ; Henry Kenneth Njovu ; Holger Pabst ; Ulf Pommer ; Juliane Röder ; Gemma Rutten ; David Schellenberger Costa ; Natalia Sierra Cornejo ; Anna Vogeler ; Maximilian Vollstädt ; Hamadi Iddi Dulle ; Connal D. Eardley ; Kim M. Howell ; Alexander Keller ; Ralph S. Peters ; Victor Kakengi ; Claudia Hemp ; Jie Zhang ; Peter Manning ; Thomas Müller ; Christina Bogner ; Katrin Böhning-Gaese ; Roland Brandl ; Dietrich Hertel ; Bernd Huwe ; Ralf Kiese ; Michael Kleyer ; Christoph Leuschner ; Yakov Kuzyakov ; Thomas Nauss ; Marco Tschapka ; Markus Fischer ; Andreas Hemp ; Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter ; Matthias Schleuning
von Alexander Häge ; Barbara Alm ; Tobias Banaschewski ; Katja Becker ; Michael Colla ; Christine Freitag ; Julia Geissler ; Alexander von Gontard ; Erika Graf ; Barbara Haack-Dees ; Susann Hänig ; Klaus Hennighausen ; Sarah Hohmann ; Christian Jacob ; Charlotte Jaite ; Christine Jennen-Steinmetz ; Viola Kappel ; Swantje Matthies ; Alexandra Philipsen ; Luise Poustka ; Wolfgang Retz ; Michael Rösler ; Katja Schneider-Momm ; Esther Sobanski ; Timo D. Vloet ; Andreas Warnke ; Thomas Jans
Multimodal treatment of children with ADHD often includes parent-child training (PCT). However, due to the high heritability, parents of children with ADHD are frequently also affected by the disorder, which is likely to constitute a significant barrier to successful treatment of the child. This secondary analysis of our randomized controlled multicentre AIMAC trial (ADHD in mothers and children) investigates whether children's outcomes following parent-child training in combination with maternal ADHD treatment depend on maternal symptom improvement. In a first step focusing on treatment of maternal ADHD, 144 mothers of mother-child dyads were randomized to multimodal ADHD treatment (group psychotherapy plus methylphenidate) or clinical management (mainly supportive counselling). After 12 weeks (T2), a 12-week PCT program (T2-T3) for all mother-child dyads was added to treat children's ADHD. Maternal symptomatology (CAARS-O:L; SCL-90-R) and children's externalizing symptoms (ADHD-ODD Scale, SDQ) were repeatedly assessed (T1 = baseline, T2, T3). Effects of changes in maternal symptomatology (T1-T2) on the change in children's symptom scores (T1-T3) were analysed using a general linear model, controlling for baseline scores, study centre, and maternal treatment group. 125 mother-child dyads were analysed. Mothers showed significant improvements in ADHD symptoms and overall psychopathology [CAARS-O:L ADHD index: mean - 3.54, SE 0.74 p < 0.0001; SCL-90-R Global Severity (GS): mean - 11.03, SE 3.90, p = 0.0056]. Although children's externalizing symptoms improved significantly (ADHD-ODD Scale: mean - 4.46, SE 0.58, p < 0.0001), maternal improvement had no effect on children's outcomes after Bonferroni-Holm correction for multiple testing. The findings do not support our hypothesis that children's outcomes following PCT for ADHD depend on maternal symptom improvements.Trial register CCT-ISRCTN73911400.
European child & adolescent psychiatry Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 1992 27(2018), 8, Seite 1011-1021 Online-Ressource
von David Capper ; David T. W. Jones ; Daniel Schrimpf ; Dominik Sturm ; Christian Kölsche ; Felix Sahm ; David Reuss ; Annekathrin Kratz ; Annika K. Wefers ; Kristin Huang ; Kristian Wilfried Pajtler ; Leonille Schweizer ; Damian Stichel ; Florian Selt ; Hendrik Witt ; Till Milde ; Olaf Witt ; Wolfram Scheurlen ; Christoph Geisenberger ; Stefanie Brehmer ; Marcel Seiz-Rosenhagen ; Daniel Hänggi ; Andreas Kulozik ; Axel Benner ; Martin Bendszus ; Jürgen Debus ; Michael Platten ; Andreas Unterberg ; Wolfgang Wick ; Marcel Kool ; Christel Herold-Mende ; Andreas von Deimling ; Stefan Pfister ; Hermann L. Müller
Accurate pathological diagnosis is crucial for optimal management of patients with cancer. For the approximately 100 known tumour types of the central nervous system, standardization of the diagnostic process has been shown to be particularly challenging—with substantial inter-observer variability in the histopathological diagnosis of many tumour types. Here we present a comprehensive approach for the DNA methylation-based classification of central nervous system tumours across all entities and age groups, and demonstrate its application in a routine diagnostic setting. We show that the availability of this method may have a substantial impact on diagnostic precision compared to standard methods, resulting in a change of diagnosis in up to 12% of prospective cases. For broader accessibility, we have designed a free online classifier tool, the use of which does not require any additional onsite data processing. Our results provide a blueprint for the generation of machine-learning-based tumour classifiers across other cancer entities, with the potential to fundamentally transform tumour pathology.
Nature London [u.a.] : Nature Publ. Group, 1869 555(2018), 7697, Seite 469-474 Online-Ressource
Zsfassung in dt. Sprache ; Oldenburg, Univ., Diss., 2009
Leuchtend rotes Gefieder ist ein häufig auftretendes sekundäres Geschlechtsmerkmal bei den Männchen vieler Vogelarten. Es gibt einige Hypothesen, nach denen carotinoid-basierte Gefiederfärbung mit den unterschiedlichsten Aspekten bzw. Merkmalen eines Männchens wie z.B. väterliche Brutpflege, Gesundheitszustand, Parasitenbefall oder Testosteron in Zusammenhang steht. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit habe ich drei Studien präsentiert, in denen ich mich mit dem leuchtend roten Gefieder von männlichen Oryxwebern (Euplectes orix) beschäftigt habe. Der Oryxweber ist eine polygyne Webervogelart, welche im südlichen Afrika vorkommt und dort in Kolonien brütet. Das Ziel der Arbeit war zu bestimmen (a) wie viel Information über individuelle Qualität durch Gefiederfärbung vermittelt wird, (b) in wie fern Gefiedermerkmale Fortpflanzungsaufwand und Erfolg beeinflussen und (c) ob Gefiedermerkmale beim Oryxweber als Statussignal im Rahmen von Männchen-Männchen Interaktionen verwendet werden. Die Ergebnisse werden im Rahmen der Hamilton-Zuk Hypothese, der Immunocompetence Handicap Hypothese und Rohwers Status Signalling Hypothese diskutiert. <dt.>
Bright red, orange or yellow plumage colouration is a common ornamental trait in males of many bird species. There are several hypotheses linking the expression of plumage colouration to different aspects of an individual, such as immunocompetence, parasite load and testosterone, as well as others concerning the influence of plumage on dominance status and mate choice. In my thesis, I presented three studies revolving around the brilliant red plumage displayed by male red bishops (Euplectes orix), a highly polygynous and colonial breeding weaver bird species of Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim was to determine (a) how much information on individual quality is conveyed by plumage colouration, (b) how plumage influences reproductive performance and (c) if plumage characteristics are used as a dominance signal in this species. Results are discussed in respect to the Hamilton-Zuk Hypothesis and the Immunocompetence Handicap Hypothesis, as well as Rohwer’s Status Signalling Hypothesis. <engl.>